Some thought on game design

Taken from

Though computer game development obeys the same laws as usual software development does, it has few own factors.

No magic numbers” priciple in regard to games has its own meaning: such constants could serve as natural tweaking options. For example, to speed up the entire game there could be variable called GAME_DELAY and it could be lowered. Or something like PLAYER_HP could be increased in order to give player some allowance.

Prototyping or modeling could help developer to focus more on gameplay and less on content such as images, sounds etc. All that stuff could be filled much later. Gameplay is above all. Of course, there could be times when the whole game designing starts from an art piece. But even in that case art has no special meaning, and a model could replace real art for the time of prototyping.

Generally, all games consists or three group of items, each one holds its own concept:

If the game is complex enough a tutorial could be present. It should be as simple as possible, just to cover up the minimum the player needs to now to not get confused at the beginning. Any other features and help could be present as external manual or evene in-game content like some “help” points or all-knowing NPCs.

Moreover, the most painless tutorial is the one that is embedded in the game itself and is almost invisible. Something like this could be represented as easy starting levels with few, slowly exposed game features and more difficult ones which are treated as a “real” game. Sometimes this “learning” process could take even the entire game and take a big part in a gameplay.

Few ways to increase replayability: